Kat's stack of reads

The week in what I read that's worth passing on

When I was 5 or 6 years old and for a few years thereafter, I remember going to the Davenport (Iowa) Public Library downtown - especially during the summer Book Club - and checking out a stack of books that barely fit in my arms from waist to chin. The librarian would comment that I couldn’t possibly read all that and then I’d come back for another stack the same size about a week later. I did other things, too, like sports and playing with friends, but I was always a super fast reader and liked to read and learn.

I still read books, but I read a lot more articles, usually online, and decided to test out sharing a list of what stood out that week. This is a trial and a work in progress, so I’m sure the format will evolve over time if I decide to continue. I also have eclectic interests, so I doubt everything here will interest ANYBODY, plus some things will be in Spanish (and rarely in another Romance language). But perhaps some people will find it interesting and/or useful.

Here goes, with author’s Twitter handle if I have it:

Opportunity/upward mobility/immigration -soaring inequality is a core contributor to unrest around the world, including the U.S. A few pieces that caught my attention.


US wealth and income gap

US housing crisis

España y desigualdad


letter-kiko-llaneras/2022-07-14/sabes-como-de-rico-eres-averigua-tu-posicion-en-la-escalera-del-dinero-por-renta-y-patrimonio.html con hilo de Twitter por @kikollaneras

Medical: COVID, neuroscience, medical debt - COVID isn’t over, US healthcare costs are something I talk about a lot, and I am always fascinated by neuroscience

On COVID by Ed Yong 



Guns and violence in US - the idea that there isn’t more the U.S. can do to prevent gun violence is beyond absurd, and the Uvalde shooting is among the most glaring examples of the absolute worst happening.

@maggieseverns Frank Straub

Friendship and connections - life is short, make time for the people you care about and/or want to know better

Text your friends

Platonic - How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make - And Keep - Friends - by Marisa Franco @marisa_franco

Good deeds pay off 

U.S. destruction of liberty and justice is a prime concern for me, and this has ripple effects around the globe, with democracy in severe decline.

Russian War on Ukraine is terrorism


Gerrymander USA

This week, the story of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped and had to travel out of state for an abortion crushed me, as do the many comments and proposals that endanger women’s lives' and health, forget about their (our) freedom.

Stories on abortion and children and reporting 

Children and rape

10yo child

Is abortion sacred?



Growth mindset 

Thomas Opong

Startup Riders by Ivan Landabaso on how to find talent 


Hub de Valencia y crecimiento - entrevista Juan Luis Hortelano



@msszeeusman Zainab Usman






Running - Allyson Felix 

Running and immigration - Mo Farah

Sir Mo Farah trafficked as child from Somalia https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62123886.amp

Con artists
